Coldwater Lake; Coldwater Ridge Visitors' Center

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A sidewalk & a boardwalk post descriptions along the edge of Coldwater Lake, formed by the 1980 volcanic eruption. Lupines along Coldwater Lake, length 4.5 miles; elevation 2472 feet; area 800 acres; maximum depth 203 feet. A view across Coldwater Lake to Mount St. Helens National Volcanic Monument (110, 000 acres in size); the ~40,000 year-old is the most active volcano in the Cascade Range. Daddy and Mother at the Coldwater Ridge Visitors' Center.
The steaming lava dome on June 27th from the fascinating Coldwater Ridge Visitor Center at SR 504 milepost 43, two ridges and seven miles away from the volcanic mountain. Ruth & Joe on the deck with a safe view of Mt. St. Helens. Our extended family marveled how the 5.1 magnitude earthquake at 8:32 a.m. took down a 9,677' mountain to its present height of 8,363', removing 2/3 cubic mile. 8-mile view from Coldwater Ridge, elevation 3110', to the crater:  dimensions east to west, 1.2 miles; north to south 1.8 miles; depth, 2100'; dome height 1000', width 3450'.

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